Walking Around Ho Chi Minh City at Night and Saying Goodbye


Strolling along in Ho Chi Minh City, we found this place to go to dinner.


Out in one of the main squares, several balloon saleswomen were operating.

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In Ho Chi Minh City they don’t have very good infrastructure, either.


A sign warning people to stay out of a substation.


Death to a skull with an afro?


Our last time all together.

IMG_4178IMG_4181The last picture of our group.

The Bus Ride to Ho Chi Minh City Took FOREVER


We headed out of Mui Ne on yet another sleeper bus bound for Ho Chi Minh City.  What should have been a few hour ride turned into an all day ordeal.


All smiles now but as the day wore on…


The bus drove on a flat tire for a few hours before we stopped to get it repaired.  We were driving at parade speed that entire way.

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An odd place we stopped for a rest.  No clue who the straw man was supposed to be.


A cobra in a bottle of alcohol.  Poor thing.


Fixing the flat on the side of the road after hours of driving on it.


They literally were doing the job on the side of the road.


A guy with an air tool was employed to expedite the issue.

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This was less than delicious for me but the others liked it.


Rolling into Ho Chi Minh City late at night.