Solution for “Table of Contents (Continued)” not showing up when using the BeavTeX.cls style file in LaTeX

I am currently finishing up final edits on my dissertation and ran across an issue with the BeavTeX.cls style file that grad students have been using at Oregon State University to publish their dissertations for many years.  After the first page of a multi-page table of contets, every other page of the table of contents was missing its header.  I opened up the BeavTeX.cls file and found the following lines of code:

\def\ps@tocb{\def\@evenhead{\vbox to \headheight{
\centerline{TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)}\hfil\break

The problem originates in the \def@oddhead{} where the odd headers are defined to be blank. I fixed the issue by copying the contents of the even headers into the odd header definition. The code snippet now looks like:

\def\ps@tocb{\def\@evenhead{\vbox to \headheight{
\centerline{TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)}\hfil\break
\def\@oddhead{\vbox to \headheight{
\centerline{TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)}\hfil\break
\rm\flushright\protect\underline{Page}\break}} %added this stuff in

Hopefully this will help out a few fellow Beavers as they wrap up edits to their dissertations and theses.