Steam Tunnel Training

Corvallis Fire Department has been outside my building all morning on the Oregon State University campus doing steam tunnel training.  Fire trucks and other EMS vehicles keep coming and going at regular intervals.  It seems that the tunnel access hatch near to my office is a particularly good training site.



Snow Remnants

Last week Corvallis had an unexpected snow storm.  After a few days of cold and blowing snow, things began to thaw and melt.  Now there are just a few piles of snow around.  Here are a few pictures of just after the sun came out.












Interesting Things on the First Floor of Dearborn

I noticed this interesting marker scribble above a locked door a few weeks back in the basement of Dearborn Hall.

 The padlocked door is a large fire door with a serious looking plaque.

On the other side lives a very large transformer.  It connects the high voltage laboratory to the grid.  I would recommend against opening that door unless you know what you are doing.